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We start out at the pool and see Naru thinking about Nephrite. Usagi then splish splashes her with water, and Naru tells her she is in love with Nephrite "Yes. I am in love with Sailor Moon's enemy. I should say this to Sailor Moon" Brilliant idea Naru!

Usagi goes to Ami and Rei to see if she should Tell Naru that Nephrite is bad or not. Ami says to keep it a secret unless things go bad. Rei says to tell her before she get's hurt (As much as I love Ami.....I have to side with Rei on this one!) Just get it overwith. The truth may hurt, but it is needed. She then askes Motoki and Mamoru and makes them pay for a lot of food for her (She is almost as much of a glutton as Stocking).

Also, Nephrite refuses to respond to Queen Do A Beryl Roll, and sacrifices his celestial map to create the Dark Crystal to find the Silver Crystal. He also ticks off Zoisite, who now wants him dead.

Usagi goes to tell Naru the truth. She tells her and runs off....not even staying to see her reaction or explain. Then Naru stands infront of a fireplace singing about how if Nephrite can't be hers she will make sure he burns in hell! Oh wait...sorry...wrong thing. She goes and meets Nephrite after he calls her. He tells her he is from an evil organization and needs the Silver Crystal. Naru then becomes a theif and robs her mom's store. Usagi arrives and Naru's mom tells her about the call from Nephrite. Usagi and Luna rush to save her. Usagi as Sailor Moon finds them and throws her Moon Tiara Action at Nephrite. Naru jumps in the way and Sailor Moon cancels her attack. (I want to know if it would have hurt Naru).

Zoisite attacks, but is fended off by Ami, Usagi, Rei, and Nephrite. Usagi makes a wish on a shooting star, that if Nephrite truly does love Naru, to have him not be evil anymore.

The next day, Nephrite thinks that the Silver Crystal is in Naru. So he goes to see her, but finds out he is wrong. She wakes up and he tells her to let him know where Sailor Moon is. He 'leaves' and she calls Usagi. Just talking to her just seems to make her feel better. Nephrite overhears, and goes to see Usagi. Usagi is running, and is forced to transform into Sailor Moon, which Nephrite sees.

(Gasp! Naru's friend that look's just like Sailor Sailor Moon!)

However, Zoisite kidnaps Naru! Forcing Nephrite to come and save her. He does and injurs his arm. Naru patches it up, Then we get one of the greatest lines ever "Maybe your evil orginization will let you have sundays off."

However the moment is ruined by Zoisite and his beautiful voice! He stabs Nephrite in the chest with vines, and Naru, to everyone's surprise pulls some out. The Senshi show up, and destroy the monsters brought by Zoisite. But Zoisite takes the Dark Crystal and leaves.

Then...Nephrite dies in Naru's a genuinly well earned tear-jerking scene.


The saddest moment in the whole franchise (Nephrite's death)

Lucian Dodge as Zoisite. He is having so much fun with the role!

The emotion. It feels genuine and not forced. The atmosphere and the writting are fantastic!


The relationship is a bit creepy

Overall: 2 FANTASTIC episodes. A great end to Nephrite's character arc, and a great (but sad) end to his character. Episode 23 gets a 84% and Episode 24 gets a 100% 


Next up: Restore Naru's Smile: Usagi's Friendship
