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The "Sailor Animamates" (セーラーアニマメイツ; Sērā Animameitsu) are a group of Sailor Guardians who are minions of Sailor Galaxia. They are the foot soldiers of Shadow Galactica in the final arc of the Sailor Moon manga, 90s anime, crystal, and many Sera Myu.



Their names follow a pattern: Sailor [metal] [animal].


They are not true Sailor Guardians but rather young women recruited from the worlds Sailor Galaxia has scoured. This includes Sailor Iron Mouse from Chuu, Sailor Aluminum Siren from Mermaid, Sailor Lead Crow from Coronis, Sailor Tin Nyanko from Mau, and Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon from Cocoon. Sailor Galaxia has granted them the power of a Sailor Crystal through a pair of Galactica Bracelets. The bracelets have driven them to fanatical loyalty desiring to become true Senshi themselves.

They report to Sailor Phi who relays any orders from Galaxia and reports on their status. They are ordered to collect the Sailor Crystals on Earth. Sailor Iron Mouse and Sailor Aluminium Siren try first and fail. Though Sailor Phi apologizes to Sailor Galaxia for their failure, Galaxia thanks her for collecting the Mercury Crystal and Jupiter Crystal and, despite Galaxia thinking the Animamates are useless against the Sailor Starlights and Senshi of the Solar System, Phi promises to have them collect the remaining Sailor Crystals. Sailor Lead Crow volunteers to go next and after eliminating Phobos and Deimos of her homeworld, Galaxia uses her death as an opportunity to shock Eternal Sailor Moon and take the Venus Crystal and Mars Crystal. Sailor Tin Nyanko tries next and her interaction with those from Mau let her resist the Galactica Bracelets and she retreats but is executed for her failure. The last, Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon, defends the outskirts of Galactica Palace and attacks Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Chibi, and Princess Kakyuu but is destroyed by Sailor Chibi Moon and the Sailor Quartet.

Anime []

In the anime, the Sailor Animamates were used by Sailor Galaxia to search for true star seeds on Earth. They all wore Galactica Bracelets that kept them alive, while they did not have star seeds of their own. They would use their bracelets to extract the star seeds from their victims. If they were not true, the star seeds would be corrupted, turning the victim into a Phage, which they abandoned in order to cause havoc to the planet. They pose as employees of Ginga TV and have offices there.

Galaxia first sent Sailor Iron Mouse, who had trouble locating true star seeds, and after a series of failures, Galaxia removed her bracelets, destroying her. Sailor Aluminum Siren and Sailor Lead Crow acted together as friends and partners, hunting star seeds. After a humiliating defeat for Aluminum Siren, having tried to steal Usagi's star seed after discovering she was Sailor Moon, Galaxia removed Aluminum Siren's bracelets, destroying her, and forced Lead Crow to work with Sailor Tin Nyanko.

Lead Crow's new partnership with Tin Nyanko was more hostile than her partnership with Aluminum Siren. Eventually, Lead Crow figured out Sailor Moon's identity as Usagi through reading Aluminum Siren's diary, and she confronted Usagi, forcing her to submit by threatening to unleash a black hole. Lead Crow extracted the star seed, but before she could retrieve it, Tin Nyanko broke the container holding the black hole, unleashing it, and Lead Crow was destroyed, being sucked into it.

Being unable to retrieve Usagi's star seed, Tin Nyanko made a second attempt to steal it, but Sailor Moon was able to partially heal her with the Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss attack, breaking one of her bracelets. Having grown annoyed with Tin Nyanko, Sailor Galaxia removed Tin Nyanko's last bracelet, destroying the last Sailor Animamate.

Unlike the manga, it is implied that they were once good Sailor Guardians, but were corrupted by Sailor Galaxia's power, had their Star Seeds removed, and became evil. This belief is reinforced when Sailor Moon was able to partially heal Sailor Tin Nyanko.


The Sailor Animamates were used by Galaxia to search for Sailor Crystals. They were not always included as part of Shadow Galactica in the musicals as they were sometimes replaced with Sailors Phi, Chi, and Theta. Whenever they did appear, Sailor Iron Mouse was always part of the group. Additionally, two musical exclusive Sailor Animamates appear: Sailor Pewter Fox and Sailor Titanium Kerokko. Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon also appears in the musicals after not appearing in the 90s anime.

In all musicals, apart from The Advent of Princess Kakyuu, the Sailor Animamates die by either the Sailor Guardians or Sailor Galaxia. The Animamates seemed to be based on their anime counterparts because Sailor Moon spoke of their home planets which they once protected before Galaxia destroyed them.


  • All the Sailor Animamates have a yellow star in their costumes


Shadow Galactica Wording